The manuscript/ paper can be submitted online via IJISR - Editorial Management System (EMS) below link,
Water in the nature, either surface or underground water (flow or stagnant) represent an important element of the nature basis; they determine not only the appearance of a province, but also the value of every territory. Kosovo has a hydrographic...
Introduction: Carcinoma of the gallbladder is the most common malignancy of the biliary tract and the third most common gastrointestinal malignancy in and around the Northern region of India. Owing to its nonspecific symptoms, gallbladder...
Recently, antioxidants and secondary metabolites have attracted a great deal of attention for their effect in preventing disease due to oxidative stress, which leads to degeneration of cell membranes and many pathological diseases. Momordica...
The present investigation is directed at profiling of the cognitive styles of high school Biological Science teachers. It is based on data collected from 70 high school Biological Science teachers working in Kuppam and Gudupalli mandals of...
In order to increase the reliability and availability of wind turbines, condition monitoring and fault diagnosis are considered crucial means to achieve these goals. In this context, wind turbines based on permanent-magnet synchronous generators...
Zoogeographic distribution may present evolutionary cues for diversity and speciation. Evaluation of zoogeographical distribution together with molecular clues could insight into evolutionary history including probable origin as well. Genus ...
The sextic non-homogeneous equation with four unknowns represented by the Diophantine equation is(4k-1)(x^2+y^2 )-(4k-2)xy=4(4k-1)z^6 analyzed for its patterns of non-zero distinct integral solutions are illustrated. Various interesting relations...
Fragmentation of habitat depicts the negative impact on any habitat and directly or indirectly affects the habit. Whenever ecological requirement of tiger will disturb than other vital need will also suppressed by various means. Ecologically...
A low cost insect cell culture medium is developed without use of serum or costly chemicals. Cells were cultured in three variations of the basal medium i.e. with sucrose only, with creatine only and with both sucrose and creatine along with...
Water Hyacinth (Echhornia crassipes) is the most important weeds. This study aimed to determine the species of microfungi which were grown in soil and degraded cellulose present in E. Crassipes. Different types of fungi were...
Background: An ideal endodontic repair material is the one that not only seal the pathways of communication between the root canal system and its surrounding tissues but in addition, should be nontoxic, noncarcinogenic, nongenotoxic,...
The present study deals with the identification, documentation, ethno-botanical exploration and Phytochemical analysis of Dioscorea species with respect to food value of wild edible plants from Northern parts of Kerala. Dioscorea...
Design of square patch antenna for wearable applications operating in GPS (1575 MHZ) and 3G (2100 MHZ) bands is presented .The proposed square patch antenna have circular ring slot in center of patch and two horizontal slits in the edge of patch...
Kerion celsi is an inflammatory form of tinea capitis. It is a kind of id reaction due to immunologic reaction to circulate antibodies or activate T lymphocytes that are directed against dermatophytes. In kerion celsi early diagnosis is important...
Swirl combustors are commonly used to produce high strength flames for industrial applications like the gas turbine. The swirl generates a central region of reverse flow to efficiently stabilize the flame. The high levels of turbulence and the...
Aim: Study to evaluate the clinical Profile, atypical presentation, the drugs in its treatment and to follow up the cases with atypical presentation of children patient with Kala-azar. Methodology: Patients were studied on the basis of history,...
Swaziland has the highest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevalence in the world. The purpose of the study was to assess the learning needs of nurses in relation to care of people living with...
A study was conducted in 2010 to evaluate the effects of crude oil as a soil contaminant on the performance of Jatropha curcas seedlings in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria. Oil concentrations used were 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0% w/w. The...
Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the first leading cause of death for adult men and women in developed countries. Surprisingly in developing countries CVD also become the first leading causes responsible for one third of...
The importance of surface texture characteristics of concrete pavement to reduce wet-weather accidents caused by skidding is well recognized by civil engineers. Sufficient transverse and longitudinal grooving provide good friction characteristics...
Minova est située à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Dans cette région sévit une forte insécurité alimentaire, conséquence des multiples guerres successives de libération qui ont surgi dans les dernières décennies et qui on fait que...
Aims and Objectives: To study the indications, timing and complications of tracheostomy in intensive care unit patients and to compare early versus late tracheostomy outcomes. Materials and Method: Studied 120 patients undergoing open surgical...
This project presents Single-phase Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter with minimum number of power electronics devices. The proposed Inverter consists of 4 unidirectional switches and single bidirectional switch in each cell. Single carrier and...
In the last era, the technology of WiMAX (3G) was broadly used for wireless communication systems in many reigns around the world due to its rich set of features with promising broadband wireless access networks. In this paper the ray tracing...
Blunt trauma to the temporal region can cause fracture of the skull base, loss of hearing, vestibular symptoms and otorrhoea. The most common cause of blunt trauma to the ear and surrounding area are motor vehicle accidents, violent encounters...
Nasal drug delivery has attracted much attention as a promising alternative administration route, especially for peptide or protein drugs. The nasal route is an attractive alternative to drug administration and provides a direct access to the...
This study investigated the hypoglycaemic activities of water extract of mistletoe leaf in the management of diabetes mellitus. Male Wistar rats were used for this study and they were housed to acclimatize in five different cages according to...
The aim of the research, goat and sheep milk yield reveal differences and to develop recommendations by 7 geographical regions in Turkey. Data of the study was obtained from Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI)’s internet address “in the Livestock...
Dental caries is an infectious microbiologic disease that results in destruction of calcified tissues. The routine drill and fill technique eliminates bacteria only at the site of restoration and recolonization can occur in remaining part of oral...
The preservation of natural environment under conditions in which we live has a great importance, perhaps man is operating in this environment and therefore recently also are devoted many studies. The urbanization and population growth,...
Aims and objectives: To compare the success rate and complications between external and endonasal DCR. Materials and methods: The study included 50 cases in 49 patients. They were randomized into 2 groups. Group A for external DCR and group B for...
The genus Inga Mill. comprises approximately 300 species with tropical and subtropical distribution from Central America to Argentina, six of them grow in Argentina, I. feuillei DC, a species that grow in the rainforests of Ecuador, Peru and...
Redispersible polymer materials employed in the formulation of ceramic tile adhesives are products of high technology and are not easily available to the small scale producers of the adhesives. In this study, the potentialities of acacia gum as...
The present study was aimed to evaluate the modulatory role of L-ascorbic acid against oxidative stress in bifenthrin intoxicated rats. Rats were divided into four groups with six rats in each group. Group I animals received corn oil and served...
Ten diverse genotypes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were crossed in a diallel fashion to study heterosis for 12 quantitative characters. In which for grain yield per plant all the 45 hybrids exhibited positive significant heterosis over mid parent...
The utilization of vetiver grass in south western Nigeria is still at a novel stage with the potential of it being introduced to farmers. The effect of split application method of inorganic fertilizer (urea 46%N) on the nutritional composition of...
This paper identifies and discusses motivation related factors and how they influence performance in K.C.S.E Biology in selected secondary schools in Nyakach Sub – county, Kisumu County. The study was significant as performance in K.C.S.E Biology...
Background: Feto-maternal indices play a vital role in the assessment of nation socio-economic state among other factors. Despite various efforts and measures by the WHO, the feto-maternal morbidity, mortality is still unacceptably high,...
Members of class monogenea are widely distributed all over the world in diverse ecosystems. Based on their relatedness they are assigned to respective families. Based on global diversity majority of representation comes from some main or major...
Datura stramonium which is commonly called Jimsonweed in English originated in the Middle East but has since become a cosmopolitan plant that grows in temperate and tropical countries alike. It is often found growing as a weed between rubble in...
The interest in the application of nanomaterials has been the focus of a number of scientific investigations in recent times. This drive has resulted mainly from the ease of synthesis, large surface area for adsorption, and tunable surface...
We have studied transesterification of Rice bran oil with heterogeneous catalyst and found that the heterogeneous catalyst Mg-SO42-/ZrO2 worked very well for transesterification of oils. The maximum conversion...
Sunderban is the largest space of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the globe. It is a delta of the rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna and located in West Bengal state of India and neighboring country of Bangladesh. The present paper deals...
The optical character recognition (OCR) is known to be one of the earliest applications of artificial intelligence. Genetic algorithm, which partially emulate human thinking in the domain of artificial intelligence, has been used in this study...
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of helminth infections on plasma proteins in children of Kashmir valley. Stool and Blood samples were collected from 573 school children both male and female in the age group of 2-15 years from the...
The rapid advances in information processing, storage and communication technologies have revolutionized the role of worldwide libraries in disseminating information services to the users. The role of ICT based services are rapidly increasing due...
Silver nitrate (10-3M) coated cotton socks significantly reduced the bacterial load of the socks flora among the medical students. The bacterial load is directly proportional to number of days and inversely proportional to the concentration of...
The British pendulum test is a common laboratory test for measurement low-speed friction of pavement surface which is related to surface microtexture of road surface. Transverse or longitudinal grooving is used to improve skid resistance on...
The present study paper on the biological assays of pharmaceutical product is intended to review on the available literature that are widely applicable in the bioassay of pharmaceutical substances. There is an urgent need for more strategies and...
In this paper, a configuration of a three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter that can integrate solar PV with battery storage in a grid-connected system is proposed. This paper illustrates the design of three-port dc–dc converter for...
We examine the variation of 1-dimentional quantum mechanics system in linear potential (constant force), using variation wave functions for the ground state up to the second order shift. This approach use simple wave functions to describe the...
The research aimed to evaluate the performance of neem seed oil as a cutting fluid in orthogonal machining of aluminium-manganese alloy 3003, carbide cutting tool insert was used as a cutting tool under different machining parameters of spindle...
Objectives: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of flexible ureteroscopic (FURS) lithotripsy for intrarenal stones in children younger than 12 years.
Methods: From January 2004 to March 2013, 44 patients (...
The present paper discusses the development of a Markov model for performance evaluation of coal handling unit of a thermal power plant using probabilistic approach. Coal handling unit ensures proper supply of coal for sound functioning of...
Cloud Computing is new concept in internet technology which has become so popular to provide different services to client like as on-line office software, game and on-line storage facility, multi-media sharing etc. The main principal of cloud...
E-commerce Security is a part of the Information Security framework and is specifically applied to the components that affect E-commerce that include Computer Security, Data security and other wider areas of the Information Security framework. E-...
Le confort thermique dans le bâtiment est souvent apprécié à partir des mesures internationales, basées sur la théorie des échanges thermiques du corps humain avec son environnement. A partir des mesures faites dans les bureaux du rectorat de l’...
Strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis are extensively incorporated in commercial probiotic preparations due to a number of technological and physiological advantages attributed to them over other members of the...
Women are one of the important resources in the organizations and also are a new addition in the organization. But as we all know that a new addition is very difficult to accept. So are women finding it very difficult to adjust them in the new...
Introduction: Pumps are a common means of lifting water from a clean groundwater in developing countries.
Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in district Faridkot, Punjab...
Flywheels serve as kinetic energy storage and retrieval devices with the ability to deliver high output power at high rotational speeds as being one of the emerging energy storage technologies available today in various stages of development,...
The enormous diversity and application of biosurfactants and the increased environmental concerns due to the toxicity of chemical surfactants and their difficulty in being degraded in the environment, coupled with the emergence of more stringent...
Climate change is a global problem in the centre of sustainable development efforts. It has adverse effects on food production and community livelihoods. African countries are vulnerable to climate change due to their low adaptive capacity....
Hematophagous animals that feed on prey blood are known to overcome blood clotting by producing in their salivary gland secretion many biologically active compounds, especially the anticoagulants. Amongst the blood-sucking organisms, leech is a...
Phasealus vulgaris is herbaceous annual plant grown worldwide for its edible bean.Serum glucose for Alloxan induced diabetes rats grouped into four was determined. It determined after treated with bean pod extract. Group 1 (normal control) has...
Cotton is a plant which is desirable to many pests. For this reason, many chemical and synthetic pesticides are used of which many are insecticides. Plant extracts aspest repellents is a very effective method of pest control. Plant extract is...
Currently, papaya production in South Florida is significantly limited as a result of the papaya ring spot virus. Successful resistance in other countries evidences the potential of GM technology to impact the US domestic papaya economy. In...
Guppies are important model system for the study of sexual selection for colouration which is an especially important component of female mate choice. Guppies own phenotypic variation to diverge natural and sexual selection by evolutionary (...
The floristic studies on the flora of Akot tahsil of Akola districts, Maharashtra were conducted to assess the potentiality of the plant resources. The study reveals that about 31 plants belonging to 27 families are used in the treatment of...
The antibacterial action of honey on five bacterial clinical isolates (Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella sp and Proteus sp) was observed with 50% (v/v) as well as the neat concentration (100%) v/v, using agar-...
Anthropometric analysis of palpebral and interpupillary dimension is very important to maxillofacial and plastic surgeons, anthropologist, dysmorphologists and in forensic investigations. The study was carried on the Anthropometric analysis of...
The purpose of this research is to ascertain the impact of oil spillage on marine ecosystem in the Niger Delta religion of Nigeria. To achieve this study 14 items structured questionnaire of yes or no was developed by the researcher and...
In this study, vertical Latin squares, symmetric Latin squares and Latin squares that have been rotated 90 degrees have been examined and the statistical analysis have been carried out through a numerical example. As a result of the analysis, the...
Hand trauma is quite frequent and coupled with a loss of function, can have an impact on almost all activities. Prolonged disability is an inherent consequence of such injuries, if they are not treated meticulously. Apt surgical intervention...
This research is a formulation of the drug as an effervescent tablet by two methods (direct compression and wet granulation). The bitter taste was masked by saccharine as sweeting agent furthermore the effervescent effect of citric acid, tartaric...
With the huge increase in global liquid fuels usage leading to global warming due to high pollutant emission; an alarming situation has risen to develop and adopt alternative green technology. This is highly required for transportation sector...
Cryptography is simply the science of securing sensitive and confidential information as it is stored on media or transmitted through communication network paths. Chaotic Encryption is the new direction of cryptography. It makes use of chaotic...
The method of finite element is a numerical technique that solves or at least approximates enough to a system of differential equations related with a physical or engineering problem. This study looked into the usefulness of the finite element...
This paper presents the results of a survey and an experiment of behavioral economics done in October, 2013 to find empirical evidence supporting the privacy paradox in Korea and derives implications from the results. Consequently, we found...
Background: Diabetes mellitus is chronic disease characterized by defective insulin production or utilization. In particular, type-2 diabetes mellitus has been shown to be associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of Zinc,...
The knowledge of existing plant genetic diversity is crucial for effective management of crop genetic resources. The variability obtained in the genome of a species can be grouped in to visible and non visible characteristics. Ethino-botanical...
Introduction: Evidence based public health is "The development, implementation and evaluation of effective programs and policies in public health through application of principles of scientific reasoning, including systematic uses of data and...
This research paper is intended to provide the clients, project managers, designers, and contractors with necessary information needed to better manage the quality of building construction projects. The paper reports the findings of a research...
In this review article, our focus is on the Minor avail triterpenoids, found in Salvia species such as Dammarens, and other critical structure type triterpenoids. This review article compiled almost 28 triterpenoids from about 15 species of...
Happiness is a state of well-being. It is the degree to which an individual judges the overall quality of his own life as a whole favourably. In the present paper the construct of happiness includes the five elements of Seligman’s Well-being...
This study was carried out to examine the household demand for NTFPs in Akure Metropolis in Ondo State of Nigeria using a simple random sampling to select household from each of the two wards from Akure North and South Local Government Areas. A...
Since the work of Gardener and his associates in the 1950s, the role of motivation in learning a second language has continued to interest researchers. Previous studies on L2 motivation were largely based on product oriented models of motivation...
Fungi are complex communities of microorganisms that have deteriorating effects on historic sandstone monuments. This myco-ecological study was specifically made to examine the diversity of fungi associated with deteriorated monuments sites. In...
Offshore oil and gas exploration forward deepwater and ultra-deepwater, due to marine engineering pool limitation, it is very difficult to use conventional reduced scale do full-depth system model test, so hybrid model test techniques are used...
The antimicrobial activity of several extracts of the seeds of Brassica alba L., Brassica campestris L. and Brassica juncea L. was investigated using disk diffusion method against seven reference microorganisms (five bacterial and two fungal...
Bamboo salt has been used in Korean medicine for centuries as a folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. It is made by putting sea salt into cases made from bamboo trunks with 3 years of growth. Studies have shown...
Administrative misdemeanours refers to one of the legal institutes of a high importance in the legislative policy adopted in a country. It regulates from an administrative perception actions or omissions that cause a harm (or potential harm) to...
The present study deals with the phycological characteristics of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill) crop fields in Beed district (M.S.) in India. To study the cyanobacterial diversity 30 samples ware collected randomly from surface and subsurface...
Introduction: Imidacloprid is one of the major representatives of the new generation of neonicotinoid insecticides derived from nicotine isolated from the tobacco plant. Imidacloprid is a widely applied pesticide due to their...
Four Sri Lankan traditional paddy varieties (Unakola samba, Suduru samba, Rathna samba and Kahamaala) were subjected to an experiment to determine physical properties and water absorption capacities. Physical Properties such as dimensions and...
Chronic exposure of the freshwater fish Rasbora daniconius to PAH Anthracene showed bioaccumulation in varying concentrations in the gill, liver, intestine and kidney tissues. Bioaccumulation was assessed with the help of GCMS in terms of wet...
Chaetotaxy maps a well established tool for taxonomic relevance mainly in ticks and mites. Silver staining based tools have been employed in monogenean studies as well. Present communication deal with the application of silver staining technique...
The ability of the Local Government to achieve its goals and objectives depend on the productivity of its workers which may also hinge on the health status and wellness of the personnel. It is against this background that the study assessed the...
The fish fauna of Wyra reservoir collected for the present study .the results of present study confirmed the occurrence of 26 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 11families and 7 orders. The order Cypriniformes was dominant with 8 species...
The present study is focused on the fish fauna of Paler reservoir. The results of the present study confirmed the occurrence of 28 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 12 families and 7 orders. It was found that the order Cypriniformes was...
Background: Since the first report of clonidine, an α2-adrenoceptor agonist, the indications for this class of drugs have continued to expand. In December 1999, dexmedetomidine was approved as the most recent agent in this group and was...
Introduction: Nootropics, popularly referred to as smart drugs, smart nutrients, cognitive enhancers, brain enhancers and memory enhancers are a class of drugs that improve impaired human cognitive abilities. Mucuna pruriens, belonging to family...
Whenever new innovations are introduced in the education system of any country it is absolutely necessary to prepare implementers so that they understand their new roles. Many a time, particularly in centralized systems, the teacher is left at...
TMDs are a group of conditions affecting the joint and or the muscles of mastication. TMDs consist of three main groups of conditions: myofascial pain; disc disorders; TMJ arthritides. The gold standard diagnostic criteria for research involving...
Since 1950, various plants with a strong ability to bioaccumulate have been used for continuous monitoring of the land contamination or water areas by the main categories of pollutants. These plants, containing certain chelating components, have...
Wireless Sensor Networks are widely used in real world applications. Such networks produce uncertain data. Such data can be queried in WSN. However, achieving top-k query processing is a challenging task. This also needs to reduce transmissions....
Introduction Fascioliasis is caused by two species of parasitic trematode that mainly affect the liver. It belongs to the group of food borne trematode infections and is a Zoonose, meaning an animal infection that may be transmitted to humans....
Cycas andamanica is described as a new species from Andaman Islands, India and this new species belonging to subsection Rumphiae. It’s closely affinities with C. edentata and C. zeylanica are discussed and also provides detailed...
This study investigated the moderating role of attribution style on relationship between leadership style and perceived risk-taking among bank management staff. One hundred and ninety-four (194) bank management staff comprising 100 males and 94...
Introduction: CT is the imaging method of choice in the evaluation of abdominal and pelvic injuries after blunt trauma. CT scan is a one stop shop as it detects solid organ injury, hollow viscus injury, vascular injury and bony injury....
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the affect and comparisons of traditional dances of Tigray region on selected physical fitness traits. Eighty male participants were selected purposely and were divided in to four Traditional Dance groups...
Scientific attitude refers to open mindedness, objectivity, aversion to superstitions, rationality, curiosity, etc. It is a way of thinking of a person. A person with scientific attitude is truthful in observation, rational in thinking, objective...
In recent years, there has been a large quantity of attention toward the field of free radical chemistry. Free radicals reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species(RNS) are generated by our body by different endogenous systems,...
It is a well-known fact that teachers are the cornerstone is any educational programme. No matter how well education policies are formulated planned and funded, without professionally qualified, dedicated and highly motivated teachers to execute...
Protein A is found in the cell wall of bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. It can be used in the purification process of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Enzymatic method using Lysostaphin Enzyme is the most common and standard method for the...
This research aim to know: (1) determine potential of income original regional from hotel tax that has not been optimized, (2) Finding the the problem solving of income original regional from hotel tax and its startegy . (3) forecasting of tax...
In imagological context, an image has a wide receptive and information power and handles a range of related terms, such as delusions, prejudices, stereotypes, myths, mentality, and otherness. In literature, the repertoire of stereotypes, as we...
Knowledge of the kinds and quantities of nutrient elements removed from the soil system by crops during the growing period is critical to determining crop nutrient requirements, and hence, fertilizer recommendation. In view of this, this study...
Introduction: Maternal complications and poor perinatal outcome are highly associated with nonutilisation of antenatal and delivery care services and poor socioeconomic conditions of the patient. It is essential that all pregnant women have...
Background: Central giant cell granuloma is an intraosseous lesion consisting of cellular fibrous tissue that contains multiple foci of hemorrhage, aggregations of multinucleated giant cells and occasionally trabeculae of woven bone. Aims: This...
Bernsteinian concepts of classification and framing are proposed for the analysis of the inclusive practices involved in the organisation and communication in classrooms. The assumption is that the processes of construction of shared...
The ninth novel of Salman Rushdie Shalimar the Clown was published on September 6, 2005 by Jonathan Cape and it is an extensive study of Kashmir. Shalimar the Clown is...
Effect of L-proline doping on the dielectric properties of triglycine sulphate has been studied. L-proline doped triglycine sulphate (LPTGS) were grown from aqueous solution by solution growth technique at room temperature. The dielectric studies...
This study investigates the effects of Government-Controlled Funds (GCFs) and Private-Government-Controlled Funds (PGCFs) ownerships on accounting performance using a sample of 190 non-financial listed companies on Bursa Malaysia from 2009 to...
Genetic transformation involves non sexual transfer of genes and traits they control from one organism into another. Papaya, Carica papaya L., is one of the major fruit crops cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical zones. Worldwide over 6.8...
This paper aimed at investigating the chemical compositions and mineral contents of Leptadenia hastate leaves. The proximate analysis shows moisture, ash, lipid, crude protein, crude fiber and carbohydrate contents to be (7.67, 17.67, 5.0, 14.88...
The ants Pheidole roberti were offered food at different locations in their natural foraging area on 108 days, both in day and night time at Garia, Kolkata, India to note the first contact time with the said food by them following supply of the...
This study sought to investigate factors that influence anaemia in pregnancy. This quantitative research adopted a prospective descriptive design, using a cohort of 260 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in the Cape Coast Metropolis. This...
Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the srikakulam district and its play a vital role in flood control, aquifer recharge, nutrient absorption and erosion control. . In addition, wetlands provide home for a huge diversity of...
The study is on ichthyotoxic activity of Morinda lucida leaf on African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. The work shows that introduction of Morinda lucida leaf extract into the aquarium resulted in death of the fishes....
“Studies serve for Delight, for Ornament and for Ability” (Francis Bacon). Various researches are being conducted to make teaching of English interesting and easy for the learners to grab the language. Teaching is no more limited to teachers’...
Here we report a case of a 55 years old lady who underwent hemithyroidectomy 15 years back presented with abdominal mass diagnosed with C T Scan As retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma. During surgery it was found to be a renal mass. We did a...
This paper deals with “Fatigue Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Wheel under various RPMs”. During the part of project a static and fatigue analysis of aluminum alloy wheel was carried out using FEA package. The 3-dimensional model of the wheel was...
Rhodamine-B doped L- Histidine Hydrochloride was grown by solution method with slow evaporation technique at room temperature. The grown crystals were observed to be slightly pink in colour. The lattice constants of the grown crystals were...
Improvements to the conventional embryo culture protocol have been initiated. These improvements, among several, include the use of a CO2-enrichment step within a photoautotrophic culture system and the application of 100 µM of either...
Proteins being mirror to molecular signature of an organism, their potential in assessment of molecular diversity may be useful. Comparison among the organisms or on a larger scale of family may further be taken to give insight on the molecular...
In treatise “Knowledge” Bahmanyar discussing problems of logic and metaphysic considered the problems of physics which were observed by the Western scholars after centuries. He elucidated the elements of physics in the scientific way of that time...
Background: IV Propofol is widely used for providing anaesthesia for LMA insertion. Sevoflurane is a new volatile anaesthetic with rapid induction and recovery characteristics. Aims & Objectives: To compare effect of propofol versus...
Based on extensive forest disease survey conducted in the Bhiwani district of Haryana, certain fungal species causing various types of disease were identified on Delonixregia, Bauhinia varigata, Cassia fitula, Dalbergiasisso, Meliaazardarach....
In this paper a new, easy, reliable, and efficient method to detect isomorphism and a catalogue of fixed link with its corresponding equivalent links in the distinct mechanisms of kinematic chains of Group-A, has been presented. It is helpful to...
This paper is based on the available evidence for the performance evaluation of single cylinder 4-stroke petrol engine using petrol-ethanol blend fuels and also focuses on regulated and unregulated air pollutant emissions from vehicles running on...
Nanotechnology is an emerging field of research that provides scientists, the opportunity to manipulate matter at atomic and molecular scale. In the field of nanomedicine, nanocarriers are being engineered for targeted drug delivery so as to...
As the world population is growing, the need for fresh water is increasing. Water desalination is a mean for producing fresh water from saline water abundant in seas and oceans and recently attracted increased attention at various parts of the...