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Teacher preparation for implementing e-learning in urban high schools in zimbabwe: the case of mzilikazi district in the bulawayo metropolitan province

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Mangwaya Emily and Mangwaya Ezron

Whenever new innovations are introduced in the education system of any country it is absolutely necessary to prepare implementers so that they understand their new roles. Many a time, particularly in centralized systems, the teacher is left at the deep end trying to understand the innovation as well as the modalities for implementing it. Information Communication Technology was introduced in Zimbabwe high schools through a government directive. Consequently all high schools were expected to implement this innovation. One dimension which is key to innovation implementation is teacher preparation. This study explores, through a qualitative case study, how high school teachers in Mzilikazi district were prepared for implementing e-learning. The study established that teacher preparation for implementing this innovation was inadequate. Interventions which schools could utilize to enhance teachers’ understanding and competence levels in implementing e- learning are proposed.

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