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Factors influencing anaemia in pregnancy in the cape coast metropolis, Ghana

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Theodora DedoAzu

This study sought to investigate factors that influence anaemia in pregnancy. This quantitative research adopted a prospective descriptive design, using a cohort of 260 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in the Cape Coast Metropolis. This research adopted a descriptive cross sectional approach. The study population included all pregnant women in the Cape Coast Metropolis; who received antenatal care at the various health care delivery centres in the defined area preferably government owned hospitals. Pregnant women who attended the Central Regional Hospital within the period of November, 30th, 2013 to December, 30th, 2013 for antenatal care were chosen through random sampling for the study. Descriptive statistics were used to discern basic patterns in data. Correlation methods were used to analyse the quantitative data generated. Logistic regression was used to determine association between variables and to control for different factors. Based on the findings, it is recommended that prophylactic iron supplementation would still be necessary. The prenatal distribution of the combination of iron and folic acid supplement would be very essential in curbing the condition. Renewed efforts should be geared towards making family planning, skilled care at delivery and emergency obstetric care more accessible to all women. Focus should be placed on demystifying some food taboos that might not be beneficial to pregnant women and their unborn children. Health professionals managing obstetric cases should be motivated for prescribing iron preparations and balanced diet with good compliance.

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