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Members of class monogenea are widely distributed all over the world in diverse ecosystems. Based on their relatedness they are assigned to respective families. Based on global diversity majority of representation comes from some main or major families. These major families accounted for most of the diversity of the class around the globe. Most of the contemporary study revolves around major families dealing various aspects including taxonomic explorations or molecular explorations. Present investigations is an attempt to revisit diversity and geographical distribution of few minor families of this class which are somewhat ignored in major contemporary studies. Based on global representation and species diversity eight minor families viz., Anoplodiscidae, Axinidae, Capsalidae, Cichlidogyridae, Heteraxinidae, Hexabothriidae, Bothitrematidae and Tetraonchoidae were selected for the further investigation. A systematic effort was made towards understanding diversity, distribution and milestone chronology of the family