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Use of scholarly electronic information resources by faculty members of NBA accredited engineering college libraries: A survey

Dr. Anjaiah, M. and Dr. Nageshwara Rao, P.

The rapid advances in information processing, storage and communication technologies have revolutionized the role of worldwide libraries in disseminating information services to the users. The role of ICT based services are rapidly increasing due to the changing approaches of users in the libraries. Engineering College Libraries attempt to meet the need of a diverse and complex group of user, who have wide-ranging interest and complex sets of demands. Historically, the fundamental aim of engineering intellectual freedom, and to provide access to a finite amount of print information. Over course of the last decade, very valuable on the Internet and through other electronic databases and libraries are currently playing role very different from before. At present, the technical libraries providing e-resources also e-services to its user community with the help of ICT which is dominating at the global level, and not neglected also. The electronic resources had the great impact on the user community in the present digital environment. The present paper highlights the findings of the survey about the Access and Effective Usage of Consortia Based Scholarly Electronic Information Resources by the faculty members of NBA Accredited Engineering College Libraries at Warangal district. The survey shows that the majority 72% respondents are using e-journals 86% were using e-books and 76% were using other e-resources to obtain subject knowledge also to fulfill their needs.

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