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Introduction: Maternal complications and poor perinatal outcome are highly associated with nonutilisation of antenatal and delivery care services and poor socioeconomic conditions of the patient. It is essential that all pregnant women have access to high quality obstetric care throughout their pregnancies. This study tries to find out the awareness and attitude among the primigravida females regarding breastfeeding and immunization. Materials and Methods: The study includes 150 primigravida females that attending our hospital for delivery and antenatal check-up during april 2013-may 2014 .A pre tested, semi structured questionnaire was used as the data collecting tool. Results: Majority (n=140, 93.33%) were Hindus followed by Muslims (n=05, 3.33%). Nearly half of the participants (n=80, 53.33%) were in the 21-25 y age group, and 10.8% (n=20) believed that immunization should be stopped if it showed side effects. Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding is ideal nutrition and sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months after birth. Breastfeeding and Immunization is an effective way of reducing child and maternal mortality. From my study conclusion is that although a major population had adequate knowledge of breast feeding and immunization but they do not follow it properly.This gap should be filed up for reducing infant and maternal mortality rate.